First fight: Maximo Blanco (8-3) vs. Marcus Brimage (4-1)
Round 1: Blanco goes for big head kick right away but Brimage does a nice job by blocking it. Brimage chases with strikes but moves out of the way after Blanco. Brimage catches a kick and lands nice strike , followed by a left hook. Brimage is very aggressive and come after Blanco. Blanco counters a strike by Brimage and gets a takedown, Brimage up quickly. Brimage is getting the better of the exchanges. Brimage lands nice kick punch combination. The round ends with both me keeping their distance.
Round 2: Blanco goes for right hook but misses. Blanco lands nice front kick. Blanco seems to find his range. Brimage catches Blanco with left hand. Blanco gets up right after. Brimage throw continuous jabs but does not do much damage. Blanco goes for knee, but Blanco lands right hook. Blanco connect with another front kick. Blanco lands nice right hook. Brimage throws leg kick but trips, Brimage gets up quickly. Brimage gets caught with a right kick. Round ends with a nice teep kick by Blanco.
Round 3: Blanco throws combinations, Brimage blocks it. Brimage land since leg kick, Blanco come inside for strikes but misses. Blanco throws head kick but misses. Brimage blocks a leg kick from Blanco. Blanco goes for takedown, brimage sprawls. On the way up Blanco lands nice right hand. Brimage continues to circle. Brimage lands outside leg kick. Brimage gets better of an exchange. Blanco lands leg kick, but doesn’t do much damage. Blanco goes for takedown, Brimage sprawl and lands punches. The fight comes to close with both me exchanging.
*Brimage taunts Blanco saying he is a runner. Blanco does a flip and so does Brimage
Official decision: Marcus Brimage wins by split decision over Maximo Blanco (29-28,29-28,28-29)
Brimage moves to (5-1), Blanco moves to (8-4)
Second bout: Chris Clements (10-4) vs. Keith Wisniewski (28-13)
Round 1: Clements landing the right hand at will. Wisniewski goes to put the fight to ground. Wisniewski gets takedown. Clements trying to stop Wisniewski from moving to side control. Wisniewski takes back of Clements. Wisniewski is in half guard of Clements. Wisniewski landing some solid ground and pound. Wisniewski bleeding. Clements lands nice leg kick after being stood up. Clements goes for overhand, Wisniewski lands jab. Clements catches Wisniewski. Clements lands spinning back fist to end the round.
Round 2: Wisniewski gets the takedown right away. Clements working to get up, trying to separate. Clements gets loose and starts landing some nice strikes. Wisniewski is also landing good strikes as well. Clements lands nice strikes, finding holes. Winsniewski gets another takedown. Wisniewksi get the back, works for rear naked choke. . Clements lands some hard elbows from the back. Round ends with Wisniewski in mount.
Round 3: Both men hug it out. Wisniewski goes for takedown. Clements lands nice knee. Clements goes for his own takedown but does not get it. Clements swinging for the fences. Clements lands nice side kick. Winsiewski lands a nice straight right. Clements doing solid job landing strikes, Clements lands knee. Wisniewski down, Clements tries to finish.
Official outcome: Chris Clements wins by split decision over Keith Wisniewski (29-28,28-29,30-27)
Clements moves to (11-4) and Winsniewski moves to (28-14)
Third bout: Mac Danzig (20-9) vs. Efrain Escudero (18-4)
First round: Both me go out hard. Danzig gets it to the ground. Escudero sinks in ankle lock. Danzig escapes. They stand up, Escudero lands nice combination. Danzig doing well with jab. Danzig put Escudero up against cage. Escudero lands upper cut on Danzig. Now Danzig against the cage.They finish round against cage.
Round 2: Danzig works right away to put Escudero against cage. Danzig lands a uppercut. Danzig lands nice leg kick. Escudero land knee to body. Danzig puts Escudero against the cage. Escudero lands teap kick.
Round 3: Escudero lands knee, Danzig land left jab. Danzig takes back of Escudero, Escudero gets off the cage. Danzig puts Escudero against the cage, Escudero turn it around and lands knee. Escudero lands nice jab. Danzig put Escudero against cage. Danzig’s ankle looks in really bad shape.
Official decision: Mac Danzig wins by unanimous decision over Efrain Escudero (30-27,30-27, 30-27)
Mac Danzig moves to (21-9) and Escudero goes to (18-5)
Fourth bout:John Makdessi (9-1) vs. Anthony Njokuani (14-6)
Round 1: Both men trade leg kicks. Njokuani lands nice leg kick, Makdessi gets caught, stumbles slightly. Njokuani looking to take advantage. Makdessi blocks Njokuani’s head kick. Njokuani misses with head kick. Makdessi misses head kick. The round comes to close.
Round 2: Makdessi goes for head kick, but misses Njokuani. Makdessi goes for spinning back kick. Makdessi keeps using the side kick on Njokuani. Both men exchange. Makdessi still throwing spinning leg kicks. Njokuani is not landing much at all. Njokuani lands nice leg kick. Makdessi has a hug leg welt on left leg. Njokuani catches leg of Makdessi and follows him . Njokuani blocks Makdessi leg kick.
Round 3: Njokuani continues to attack the left leg of Makdessi. Makdessi land leg kick of his own. Njokuani lands inside leg kick. Nokuani lands a nice kick and punch combination. Makdessi not pushing the pace and needs to. Makdessi lands nice leg kick.
Official decision: Anthony Njokuani wins by unanimous decision over John Makdessi (30-27,30-27,30-27)
Anthny Njokuani moves to (15-6), Makdessi falls to ( 9-2)
Fifth Bout:Matt Brown(15-11)vs. Stephen Thompson (6-0)
Round 1: Thompson lands side kick. Brown goes for takedown but does not get it. Brown keeps going for takedown, finally gets it. Brown is taking time passing the guard. Thompson gets up, Brown working knees against cage. Brown gets Thompson down again. Thompson switch to top position. Thompson lands from strikes from top. Brown gets the sweep. Brown applies pressure from top. The first round ends with brown on top.
Round 2: Thompson lands a one two combination. Brown throws head kick, blocked by Thompson. Brown goes for another takedown. Brown doesn’t get it, but shortly after he gets another takedown. Thompson gets up, he then hurts Brown. Brown is out of gas. Brown goes for overhand right and misses. Brown catches Thompson. Brown gets on top.Brown using short elbows and cuts Thompson. Thompson bleeding badly. Brown puts a beating on Thompson as the round comes to a close.
Round 3: Both men are tired again. Thompson throws leg kick but falls. Thompson throws sidekick but misses. Brown staggers, Thompson goes after but runs out of energy. Brown goes for takedown but can not get it. Brown gets another takedown. Brown works on the elbows again. Thompson bleeding very badly. Brown really opposing his will. Brown gets the mounted crucifix. Brown squeezing legs and keeps throwing the left hand. The fight comes to a close.
Official decision: Matt Brown wins by unanimous decision over Stephen Thompson (30,27,29-27,30-27)
Matt Brown moves to (16-11), Stephen Thompson suffers his first loss and now (6-1)
Sixth Bout: Travis Browne (12-0) vs. Chad Griggs (11-1)
Round 1: Both men tap gloves, Browns lands knee early, than gets the takedown. Browne sits in half guard. Brown sinks in side choke. griggs tries to hold on, but forced to tap.
*First finish of the night
Travis Browne wins by submission (side choke) round 1 2:29 over Chad Griggs
Travis Browne moves to (10-1-1), Chad Griggs goes down to (11-2)
Main card:
Seventh Bout: John Alessio (34-14) vs. Mark Bocek (10-4)
Round 1: Bocek looks for the big right but misses. Bocek goes for takedown, Alessio stuffs it. Bocek has Alessio’s back, working on . Alessio’s thigh. Bocek gets Alessio down, on top of Alessio in his half guard. Bocek goes tot he back , trying to soften him up. Bocek finishes round on Alessio’s back.
Round 2: Alessio looks for superman punch, but abandons it. Bocek looks for leg kick but does not get it. Alessio runs around, Bocek follows. Bocek goes for takedown and gets it. Bocek sits in half guard. Alessio gets up . Bocek finishes the round pushing Alessio against cage.
Round 3: Alessio looking to end the fight. Bocek works for takedown, Bocek gets it, Bocek takes Alessios’s back. Bocek pins Alessio against cage. Alessio landing little punches. Alessio continues to push forward. Bocek takes some damage in the final round.
Official decision:Mark Bocek wins by unanimous decision over John Alessio
Mark Bocek moves to (11-4) Alessio goes to (32-14)
Eighth Bout:Mark Hominick (20-10) vs. Eddie Yagin (15-5)
Round 1: Hominick takes a jab and hook. Yagin lands another jab. Yagin lands his third leg kick. Hominick is taking alot of damage. Hominick gets caught. Yagin attacks from top. Hominick is bleeding from both eyes. His left eye is very bad. Yagin looking slightly tired. Hominick finds the jab. Hominick gets comfortable as the round goes on.
Round 2: Hominick lands left tot he body of Yagin. Yagin is landing some real pretty leg kicks. Hominick lands jab on Yagin. Yagin catches Hominick again. Yagin attacks from top. Hominick hold on. Hominick gets up. Hominick’s eye is almost closed. Hominick lands left hook to the body of Yagin. Yagin and Hominick both bloody. Both men finish round trading shots.
Round 3: Yagin comes out swinging, landing as well. Hominick land nice hook to body followed by left straight. Yagin throwing big strikes but not landing. Hominick lands big right hand, followed by right kick from Yagin. Hominick lands a double jab. Yagin bleeding badly. hominick lands a body shot by changing levels. Both men exchanging, Hominick the better of it. Hominick finishing strong. This bloody battle goes the distance.
Official decision: Eddie Yagin wins by split decision over Mark Hominick (29-28,28-29,29-28)
Eddie Yagin moves to (16-5), Hominick moves down to (20-11)
Ninth Bout: Michael McDonald (14-1) vs. Miguel Torres (40-4)
Round 1: McDonald lands nice one two combination. Mcdonald lands nice body kick. Mcdonald being very aggressive but also very effective. McDonald lands a nasty combination. McDonald lands big uppercut on Torres, Torres goes out. McDonald wins by Knockout.
Official outcome: Michael McDonald wins by KO round 1 3:18 over Miguel Torres
Michael McDonald moves to (15-1) and gets his biggest win of his career. Torres falls to (40-5)
Tenth Bout: Ben Rothwell (31-8) vs. Brendan Schaub (8-2)
Round 1: Ben Rothwell comes out aggressive. Both guys throwing for the big punch. Rothwell lands it and gets the KO victory.
Ben Rothwell wins by KO round 1 1:10 over Brendan Shaub
Rothwell moves to (32-8) and Shaub falls to (8-3)
Eleventh Bout: Rory MacDonald (12-1) vs. Che Mills (14-4)
Round 1: They tap gloves, MacDonald misses with head kick. MacDonald lands body kick, Mills lands right cross. MacDonald gets a takedown. MacDonald lands some big ground and pound. mills is cut, MacDonald in side control. MacDonald gets mounted crucifix. MacDonald continues to punch with right hand. Mills trying to create space. MacDonald gets full mount, MacDonald takes back of Mills.
Round 2: Mills lands inside leg kick. MacDonald gets single leg takedown, MacDonald easily gets into side control. MacDonald takes the back of Rory MacDonald. MacDonald landing huge blows on Che Mills, ref is forced to stop it.
Official outcome: Rory MacDonald wins by TKO 2:20 round 1 over Che Mills
MacDonald moves to (13-1) and Mills goes down to (14-5)
Twelfth Bout: Jon Jones (15-1) vs. Rashad Evans (17-1)
Round 1: Jones goes for body punch, goes to knees and gets up. Evans blocks head kick from Jones. Evans throws jabs and moves in but no success. Rashad lands a nice combination. Rashad blocks another head kick from Jones. Rashad catches kick from Jones, but Jones gets it out. Jones misses head kick. Rashad doing nice job of blocking kicks. Rashad is having tough time getting in close. Jones lands hook on Evans body. Evans catches Jones. The round ends with both men in center trading.
Round 2: Evans and Jones start trading once again. Evan Jones lands overhand right. Rashad taunts Evans, saying Jones is not hurting him. Evans blocks kick from Jones. Evans lands jab on Jones. Jones catches Evans with jab. Evans presses Jones against cage. Evans pushes Jones away. Evans lands body jab. Jones lands another elbow to the chin of Evans. Jones goes for flying knee, they exchange at the end of round 2. Jones gets the better of the exchange.
Round 3: Evans catches Jones, he follows Jones. Evans misses overhand right, blocks head kick. Evans lands nice straight jab. Jones catches Evans, knees buckle. Evans recovers and moves around the octagon. Evans throwing more, but not doing to much damage. Jones throw front head kick but misses. Rashad lands nice body shot. The round closes with body kick by Rashad.
Round 4: Jones and Rashad picking their strikes carefully. Jones goes for spinning back fist, but Evans blocks. Rashad lands left leg kick, Jones lands counter right hand. Evans lands straight jab. Jones lands jab of his own. Rashad lands a punch to leg of Jones, Jones has standing guillotine but quickly lets go. They go to clinch, Jones uses some shoulder striking. Jones goes for takedown at end of the round but does not finish it.
Round 5: Evans comes out aggressive, Evans lands leg kick. Jones lands nice right hand, Evans counters. Jones lands kick to Evans chin. Evans looks tired but still going. Jones lands right hand, goes for flying knee. Evans gets caught, Jones ends up on top. Evan works up against the cage. Evans gets out. Evans throws overhand right, Jones goes open guard. the round come to close.
Official decision: Jon Jones wins by unanimous decision over Rashad Evans (49-46, 49-46,50-45)
Jon Jones remains the UFC light heavyweight champion
Jon Jones remains champion and record goes to (16-1), Rashad suffers second loss and goes down to ( 18-2)
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