Main Event: Jon Jones vs. Alexander Gustafsson
Round 1: They tap gloves. Jones lands a spinning back kick. Gustafsson lands a good jab and Jones lands another spinning back kick. Gustafsson lands a good inside leg kick. Gustafsson lands a right hand. Jones is bleeding over the right eye. Jones lands a spinning back kick. Jones lands a head kick. Gustafsson throws a superman punch that is mostly blocked. Gustafsson gets a takedown. Both fighters are back to their feet. Gustafsson gets poked in the eye and the action is stopped briefly. Jones throws a spinning elbow but misses. Jones lands a big elbow as Round 1 ends.
Round 2: Jones opens Round 2 with an inside leg kick. Jones goes for a takedown and Gustafsson escapes. Gustafsson lands an overhand right. Jones lands a good knee to the body. Jones lands a clean head kick. Gustafsson lands a quick right hand to the face. Jones throws a kick and Gustafsson catches it. Jones goes for a takedown but Gustafsson stuffs it again. Jones throws a head kick but it gets blocked. Round 2 ends with both fighters on their feet.
Round 3: Jones lands an outside leg kick. Gustafsson lands a good combination of strikes. Jones tries for another takedown and Gustafsson escapes again. Jones lands a head kick. Gustafsson lands a kick to the body and Jones answers with a head kick. Jones lands a hard kick to the body. Gustafsson goes for a takedown but it’s blocked by Jones. Jones lands a spinning elbow. Jones misses with a jumping knee as Round 3 ends.
Round 4: Jones lands a good jab to the face. Jones lands a kick to the body. Gustafsson lands a straight jab to the face. Jones lands a straight left. Jones lands an inside leg kick. Gustafsson stuffs another takedown attempt from Jones. Gustafsson landing some big strikes to the face of Jones. The cut over Jones’ eye is bleeding badly now. Jones tries another takedown but it’s defended yet again. Jones lands a spinning elbow and then a knee and Gustafsson is stunned. Gustafsson looks hurt and is bleeding but manages to stay on his feet as Round 4 ends.
Round 5: Gustafsson looks groggy as Round 5 begins. Gustafsson lands a jab to the body. Jones lands an inside leg kick. Both men are bleeding now. Gustafsson lands a left jab to the chin of Jones. Jones steps in and lands an elbow. Jones’ face is visibly beat up. Jones finally gets a takedown and Gustafsson gets to his feet. Both fighters look exhausted halfway through the last round. Gustafsson looks completely spent. Jones lands an inside leg kick and a head kick. Both fighters are slowing down considerably. Jones lands a body kick and an elbow. Jones lands a flying knee as the fight ends.
Official Decision: Jon Jones wins by Unanimous Decision (48-47, 48-47, 49-46) over Alexander Gustafsson
Co-Main Event: Renan Barao vs. Eddie Wineland
Round 1: Barao lands an inside leg kick. Wineland lands an inside leg kick of his own. Wineland lands a big right hand to the face. Wineland gets double underhooks and has Barao against the cage. The referee separates them. Barao misses a high kick and loses his balance but gets right back up. Barao lands a right to the body and then lands an outside leg kick. Barao lands a head kick and then a huge inside leg kick. Wineland moves in as Round 1 ends.
Round 2: Barao lands a spinning back kick which drops Wineland and gets the stoppage.
Official Results: Renan Barao wins by knockout at of 0:35 Round 2 over Eddie Wineland
Bout 11: Matt Mitrione vs. Brendan Schaub
Round 1: Schaub lands a left hook. Mitrione misses with a right hook. Schaub lands a big right hand which opens a cut on Mitrione. Schaub lands a good overhand right. Schaub moves forward with a combination of strikes and then gets the takedown. Schaub locks in the Darce Choke and gets the tap.
Official Results: Brendan Schaub wins by submission (Darce Choke) at 4:06 of Round 1 over Matt Mitrione
Bout 10: Francis Carmont vs. Constantinos Philippou
Round 1: Carmont gets the takedown and stays on top and in control for most of the first round.
Round 2: Carmont gets the takedown quickly and is on top and in control. The referee stands them up. Carmont gets another takedown again. Carmont is in full control of the first 2 rounds.
Round 3: Carmont gets yet another takedown and is back on top in half guard. Phillippou is stuck on the bottom and can’t do much at all. Phillipou gets back to his feet and Carmont brings him back down. Carmont is once again controlling the fight.
Official Decision: Francis Carmont wins by Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-26) over Constantinos Philippou
Bout 9: Pat Healy vs. Khabib Nurmagomedov
Round 1: Nurmagomedov lands an uppercut. Healy goes for the takedown but is unsuccessful. Nurmagomedov steps in an lands a good uppercut. Healy misses with a right hook. Nurmagomedov lands a jumping knee. Healy is starting to bleed from the face. Nurmagomedov gets the takedown and ends Round q on top.
Round 2: Healy is pushing forward but is getting caught with shots. Healy is bleeding bad from the face. Healy lands a big right hook. Nurmagomedov is looking fatigued and is visibly slower with his strikes. Nurmagomedov has Healy in the clinch up against the cage. Nurmagomedov lands an uppercut. Nurmagomedov gets the takedown and is in the top position as Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3: Nurmagomedov gets the takedown. Healy is on the bottom and being dominated with the ground and pound. Nurmagomedov ends Round 3 in control.
Official Decision: Khabib Nurmagomedov wins by Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) over Pat Healy
Bout 8: Myles Jury vs. Mike Ricci
Round 1: Ricci lands a leg kick to the body. Jury lands a right to the body. Jury lands a head kick. Ricci lands a kick but gets tagged by a big right hand from Jury. Jury gets the takedown. Jury gets side control. Ricci trying to get back to his feet. Ricci stands and both fighters are back to their feet and Round 1 ends.
Round 2: Ricci lands an outside leg kick. Jury lands a spinning back fist. Ricci lands a straight left. Jury lands a right hook to the head. Ricci lands a kick to the body. Jury lands a head kick. Both fighters are being cautious and feeling out the other as the crowd starts to boo. Jury lands an outside leg kick. Ricci lands a leg kick. Jury looks for the takedown but it’s defended by Ricci as Round to comes to a finish.
Round 3: Jury lands an outside leg kick to start round 3. Jury gets a takedown. Jury takes the back of Ricci. Ricci gets back to his feet and Jury brings him back down. Both fighters are tyring to gain the top position. Neither fighter doing much as they hear it from the crowd again. Jury takes the back of Ricci. Ricci reveres position and ends up on top. Jury gains top position again as time expires to end the fight.
Official Decision: Myles Jury wins by Split Decision (29-28. 28-29, 29-28) over Mike Ricci
Bout 7: Ivan Menjivar vs. Wilson Reis
Round 1: Menjivar lands an outside leg kick. Reis goes for a kick and slips. Reis lands an inside leg kick. Menjivar lands a leg kick to the body. Menjivar lands an inside leg kick. Menjivar lands a front kick to the body. Reis goes for the takedown and gets it. Reis is in the full closed guard of Menjivar. Round 1 ends with Reis on top.
Round 2: Menjivar lands a leg kick to the body. Reis lands an inside leg kick. Reis gets a takedown. Menjivar gets back to his feet. Reis lands an elbow to the head. Reis gets another takedown and is on top in the full guard of Menjivar. Menjivar escapes and both fighters back to their feet. Reis lands a kick to the body as Round 2 ends.
Round 3: They tap gloves. Reis quickly lands some leg kicks to start round 3. Menjivar lands an inside leg kick. Reis gets Menjivar against the cage and gets another takedown and is in the full mount. Reis lands some good ground and pound. Menjivar tries to escape and gets back to full guard. The fight ends with Reis in the dominant position.
Official Decision: Wilson Reis wins by Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) over Ivan Menjivar
Bout 6: Chris Clements vs. Stephen Thompson
Round 1: Clements lands a spinning back kick. Thompson lands an outside leg kick. Clements lands a spinning whel kick to the leg of Thompson and knocks him off his feet. Clements lands a good right hand to the head. Clements slips while trying to land a kick and Thompson is on top. Clements makes it back to his feet. Thompson lands an outside leg kick. Thompson gets the takedown and finishes round 1 on top.
Round 2: Thompson lands a big right which drops Clements. Thompson is on top. Both fighters back to their feet. Thompson lands a huge right hand which drops Clements and the referee steps in to stop the fight.
Official Results: Stephen Thompson wins by knockout at 1:27 of Round 2 over Chris Clements
Bout 5: Mitch Gagnon vs. Dustin Kimura
Round 1: They tap gloves. Gagnon lands an inside leg kick. Kimura lands an inside leg kick. Gagnon lands a left to the body. Kimura is bleeding from the nose. Gagnon lands some big shots to the head and body. Kimura lands a big body shot and Gagnon gets the takedown. Gagnon is on top and landing big strikes. Both fighters back to their feet. Gagnon goes for the arm in guillotine and Kimura goes conscious to end the fight.
Official Results: Mitch Gagnon wins by Submission (guillotine choke) at 4:05 of Round 1 over Dustin Kimura
Bout 4: Renee Forte vs. John Makdessi
Official Results: John Makdessi wins by knockout at 2:01 of Round 1 over Renee Forte
Bout 3: Michel Prazeres vs. Jesse Ronson
Official Results: Michel Prazeres wins by Split Decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28) over Jesse Ronson
Bout 2: Alex Caceres vs. Roland Delorme
Official Decision: Alex Caceres wins by Split Decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28) over Roland Delorme
Bout 1: Nandor Guelmino vs. Daniel Omielanczuk
Official Results: Daniel Omielanczuk wins by KO at 3:18 of Round 3 over Nandor Guelmino